Zwift awards badges for a wide variety of achievements including riding 100km, hitting 800 watts, or climbing Alpe du Zwift in under an hour. For added incentive, each badge includes an XP bonus, with the tougher badges awarding bigger bonuses.
Here’s a complete list of Zwift’s achievement badges, including bonus XP awarded and tips for unlocking the badge.
General Achievements

Habitual: “Ride a lap for 3 days in a row”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: ride or run at least 5km, 3 days in a row.
- Tips: your badge is unlocked at the start of your first activity after the one which achieved the goal. Read more about this badge >

Addicted: “Ride a lap for 7 days in a row”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: ride or run at least 5km, 7 days in a row.
- Tips: your badge is unlocked at the start of your first activity after the one which achieved the goal. Read more about this badge >

Work from Home: “Ride a lap for 14 days in a row”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: ride or run at least 5km, 14 days in a row.
- Tips: your badge is unlocked at the start of your first activity after the one which achieved the goal. Read more about this badge >

You’re Popular: “Receive 10 Ride Ons in one ride!”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: receive at least 10 Ride Ons from other Zwifters during a single ride or run.
- Tips: ride with the larger RoboPacer groups to receive lots of Ride Ons from others.

Ride On: “Give 3 Ride Ons”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: give at least 3 Ride-Ons during a single ride or run activity.
- Tips: use the Companion app and/or Zwift Play controllers to easily give 5 Rides Ons to nearby riders every few seconds. This is especially easy in busy groups like big events or RoboPacer packs.

Big Fan: “Give 30 Ride Ons”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: give at least 30 Ride-Ons during a single ride or run activity.
- Tips: use the Companion app and/or Zwift Play controllers to easily give 5 Rides Ons to nearby riders every few seconds. This is especially easy in busy groups like big events or RoboPacer packs.

Fan Club: “Give 100 Ride Ons”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: give at least 100 Ride Ons during a single ride or run activity.
- Tips: use the Companion app and/or Zwift Play controllers to easily give 5 Rides Ons to nearby riders every few seconds. This is especially easy in busy groups like big events or RoboPacer packs.

Paparazzi: “Fan view for 15 minutes”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: watching another Zwifter while they’re active in game for at least 15 minutes.
- Tips: click a rider’s name in the “Riders Nearby” list to fan view, or tap “Fan View” in the Companion app when viewing the rider’s profile. Fan viewing is most fun when you’re watching someone race! Read How to Watch Another Rider In a Zwift Race for details.

Into the Wind: “Do a U-Turn”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: do a u-turn while riding or running.
- Tips: you can do a u-turn using your keyboard (down arrow), Companion app, Play Controllers, or the in-game action bar.

Statistician: “Connect your Strava account”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: connect your Strava account to Zwift, then do an activity.
- Tips: this can be done via the Companion app or by logging into and going to Account>Connections. Linking your Strava account also unlocks the in-game Strava kit(s)!

Paired: “Pair a phone through Zwift Companion”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: install Zwift Companion on your phone, open the app and sign into your Zwift account.
- Tips: use the Companion app to browse events or clubs when you’re not Zwifting, and to perform various in-game functions while riding or running.

Sweat!: “Complete a workout”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: complete a structured workout on Zwift. This can be a group event or an individual on-demand workout.
- Tips: workouts typically use ERG mode. If you don’t know how this works, check out “All About ERG Mode on Zwift” before you jump in, as ERG mode is very different from free riding!
Cycling Achievements

Can’t Stop Now: “Ride 10 miles”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: ride at least 10 miles in one session.
- Tips: struggling to go the distance? Join a RoboPacer pack so you benefit from the draft and get more mileage for your effort.

Marathoner: “Ride 40km”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: ride at least 40 kilometers in one session.
- Tips: struggling to go the distance? Join a RoboPacer pack so you benefit from the draft and get more mileage for your effort.

100 Clicks: “Ride 100km”
- Bonus: 500XP + Metric Century Kit
- How it’s earned: ride at least 100 kilometers (a metric century!) in one session.
- Tips: struggling to go the distance? Join a RoboPacer pack so you benefit from the draft and get more mileage for your effort.

No Big Deal: “Ride 100 miles”
- Bonus: 750XP + Century Kit
- How it’s earned: ride at least 100 miles in one session.
- Tips: struggling to go the distance? Join a RoboPacer pack so you benefit from the draft and get more mileage for your effort. Earning this badge also unlocks the coveted black “Century Kit” in Zwift.

Whoa Nelly: “Ride 30mph”
- Bonus: 250XP
- How it’s earned: ride at 30mph or more.
- Tips: struggling to go fast? Try a climbing route, which will always include a descent!

Speed Demon: “Ride 40mph”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: ride at 40mph or more.
- Tips: struggling to go fast? Try a climbing route, which will always include a descent!

Daredevil: “Ride 50mph”
- Bonus: 750XP
- How it’s earned: ride at 50mph or more.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Read How to hit 50MPH on Zwift.

Sprinter Apprentice: “Hit 500 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 500 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Lit: “Hit 600 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 600 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Circuit Breaker: “Hit 700 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 700 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Master Draftsman: “Draft another rider for 15 seconds”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: ride in the draft of another rider for 15 seconds or more.
- Tips: drafting in Zwift takes practice, but it’s crucial if you want to have the strength to win a race. Learn all about drafting on Zwift.

Jelly: “Hold over 500 watts for 10 seconds”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: hold 500 watts or more for at least 10 seconds.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Warmed Up: “Complete 5 laps of the Volcano Circuit”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: ride 5 laps of the Volcano Circuit (in either direction) in one activity.
- Tips: this is best done in a group, and RoboPacers are always on this circuit (see RoboPacer schedule). For more on this achievement, read All About Zwift’s Volcano Circuit Lap Badges.

Hothead: “Complete 10 laps of the Volcano Circuit”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: ride 10 laps of the Volcano Circuit (in either direction) in one activity.
- Tips: this is best done in a group, and RoboPacers are always on this circuit (see RoboPacer schedule). For more on this achievement, read All About Zwift’s Volcano Circuit Lap Badges.

On Fire!: “Complete 25 laps of the Volcano Circuit”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: ride 25 laps of the Volcano Circuit (in either direction) in one activity.
- Tips: this is best done in a group, and RoboPacers are always on this circuit (see RoboPacer schedule). For more on this achievement, read All About Zwift’s Volcano Circuit Lap Badges.

Avid Climber: “Climb Alpe du Zwift 5 times”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: summit Alpe du Zwift 5 times (doesn’t have to be all in one session).
- Tips: the Road to Sky route is the quickest way to get to the Alpe. Get to the top a bit faster by using the fasting climbing frame and wheels available to you.

Masochist: “Climb Alpe du Zwift 25 times”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: summit Alpe du Zwift 25 times (doesn’t have to be all in one session).
- Tips: the Road to Sky route is the quickest way to get to the Alpe. Get to the top a bit faster by using the fasting climbing frame and wheels available to you.

Portal Climber: “Complete Climb Portal Once”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: finish one of the climbs in the Climb Portal.
- Tips: the climb of the day is easily reached by clicking the first card under “Just Ride” near the bottom of the homescreen. See the Climb Portal Schedule to find out when climbs are scheduled.

Climb Portal Pro: “Complete Climb Portal Ten Times”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: finish 10 Climb Portal climbs (any combination counts, it doesn’t have to be 10 different climbs).
- Tips: the climb of the day is easily reached by clicking the first card under “Just Ride” near the bottom of the homescreen. See the Climb Portal Schedule to find out when climbs are scheduled.

Legs of Steel: “Complete Climb Portal 25 Times”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: finish 25 Climb Portal climbs (any combination counts, it doesn’t have to be 25 different climbs).
- Tips: the climb of the day is easily reached by clicking the first card under “Just Ride” near the bottom of the homescreen. See the Climb Portal Schedule to find out when climbs are scheduled.

Party On!: “Received a confetti RideOn from a level 100 Zwifter”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: receiving a Ride On from a Zwifter who is wearing the confetti socks which are unlocked at level 100.
- Tips: riding in groups is the best way to stumble across this achievement. Or just ask a favor from a level 100 friend!
Running Achievements

Hot Off the Line: “Run a mile in a single session”
- Bonus: 250XP
- How it’s earned: run 1 mile in a single session.

First Five: “Run 5km in a single session”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: run 5km in a single session.

Gimmie Ten: “Run 10km in a single session”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: run 10km in a single session.

Runners Dozen: “Run 13.1 miles in a single session”
- Bonus: 1500XP
- How it’s earned: run 13.1 miles (a half marathon) in a single session.

Centurion: “Run a total distance of 100 miles”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: accumulate 100 miles of runs across multiple sessions (or do it all in one session if you’re crazy).

Street Cred: “Run a total distance of 500 miles”
- Bonus: 1500XP
- How it’s earned: accumulate 500 miles of runs across multiple sessions.

Pursuit of Happiness: “Run a total distance of 1000 miles”
- Bonus: 2500XP
- How it’s earned: accumulate 1000 miles of runs across multiple sessions.

Earning the Donuts: “Run a mile in under 9 minutes”
- Bonus: 300XP
- How it’s earned: run a mile in under 9 minutes.

Leg Warmer: “Run a mile in under 8 minutes”
- Bonus: 400XP
- How it’s earned: run a mile in under 8 minutes.

Like the Wind: “Run a mile in under 7 minutes”
- Bonus: 500XP
- How it’s earned: run a mile in under 7 minutes.

Engines Are Go: “Run a mile in under 6 minutes”
- Bonus: 600XP
- How it’s earned: run a mile in under 6 minutes.
Extra Credit
The following badges are not shown in the achievements list until you’ve earned them, effectively making them “hidden” achievements.

100KPH!: “Break 100kph”
- Bonus: 1000XP
- How it’s earned: ride at least 100kph (62.1mph).
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Read How to Unlock the 100kph Achievement Badge in Zwift.

Just Scrape It: “Hit 800 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 800 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

The Blowdrier: “Hit 900 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 900 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Premier Power: “Hit 1000 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 1000 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

Off the Rocks: “Hit 1100 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 1100 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

1.21 Gigawatts: “Hit 1200 watts”
- Bonus: 100XP
- How it’s earned: put out 1200 watts or more during your ride.
- Tips: struggling to get this badge? Work on your sprint form, remembering that power is torque x cadence. Increase either and you increase your sprint power!

You’re Famous: “Receive 30 Ride Ons in one ride”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: receive at least 30 Ride Ons in a single ride or run.
- Tips: ride with the larger RoboPacer groups to receive lots of Ride Ons from others.

Bigger Than Jensie!: “Receive 100 Ride Ons in one ride”
- Bonus: 50XP
- How it’s earned: receive at least 100 Ride Ons in a single ride or run.
- Tips: ride with the larger RoboPacer groups to receive lots of Ride Ons from others. Stay with a large pack for a couple of hours or more and you should be able to get this badge!

Going the Distance: “Run 26.2 miles”
- Bonus: 2500XP
- How it’s earned: run a marathon (26.2 miles) on Zwift.

Olympian: “Run a mile in under 5 minutes”
- Bonus: 700XP
- How it’s earned: run a mile in under 5 minutes.

Everested!: “Climb 29,029 ft in one activity”
- Bonus: 5000XP
- How it’s earned: accumulate 29,029′ of climbing in one ride or run.
- Tips: this is no small achievement! To truly “Everest” on a bike (indoors or out) you must follow a set of rules, as explained on the official Everesting website.

Liftoff!: “Climb Alpe du Zwift in under an hour”
- Bonus: 250XP
- How it’s earned: summit Alpe du Zwift in under 60 minutes.
- Tips: riding the Alpe with others will push you to do your best. Try riding it in an event such as the Summit Seeker Weekends. Also, make sure you are using the fasting climbing frame and wheels available.

Repack Rush: “Complete the route”
- Bonus: 56XP
- How it’s earned: finish the Repack Rush route (steering required)
- Tips: hit the blue boost strips, steer around the red hazards, and grab those time bonuses to get the shortest course time possible!
Route Achievements

Most routes in Zwift award an achievement badge upon first completion. The game maintains a separate list for “mixed” routes (those which allow both riding and running) and run-only routes.
When you earn a route achievement badge you also receive a one-time XP bonus for completing that route. This bonus is equal to the XP you already earned for the route (20XP per km), so you effectively double your XP earning rate when riding routes for the first time, helping you level up faster.
Completed Missions
Zwift has held “Mission” events over the years which typically require Zwifters to achieve a certain goal within a particular month. Mission badges are grouped by year and listed at the bottom of your achievements list.

Completed Training Plans
Whenever you complete a Zwift Training Plan, its badge is added to your achievements list.
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