For this weekend’s notable Zwift events we’ve highlighted a popular endurance ride, a beginner-friendly group ride, a century ride, a special jersey unlock ride, and Robo-Paced Alpe events.
🤝SZR Endurance Ride

✅ Popular Event ✅ Beginner-Friendly
For those located outside of North America, the SZR Endurance Ride is a great way to start off the weekend strong. This ride has three different pace categories to choose from: Category C @2.5-3 w/kg, Category D @2-2.4 w/kg, and Category E @1.6-1.9 w/kg. Sweepers will be present in the ride to assist those off the back.
The group ride takes place on the Wandering Flats course for C, Big Foot Hills for D, and Greater London Flat for E.
Saturday, July 29 @ 6 am UTC
Sign up at
🤝 Zwift Beginners Ride with Project Sloth

✅ Popular Event ✅ Beginner-Friendly
The first Zwift Beginners Ride was introduced a couple of months ago. Since then, it has gained significant traction and is among the most popular weekly group rides. The ride is banded, so riders stick together regardless of pace.
This event takes place over 60 minutes on the Richmond UCI Worlds course.
Sunday @ 12 pm UTC/8 am EDT/5 am PDT
Sign up at
🤝 USMES Monthly Century Ride

✅ Endurance Ride ✅ Popular Event
The USMES Monthly Century ride is a great opportunity for riders to complete an imperial century with the company of others. This ride will have two beacons riding, one at 2.5 w/kg and one at 3 w/kg.
The ride will take place over 100 miles of the Rolling Highlands course in Scotland. That’s a whole lotta laps!
Saturday, July 22 @ 1 pm UTC/9 am EDT/6 am
Sign up at
🤝 Jersey Highlight // CANYON//SRAM Racing Watch the Femmes Kit Unlock Ride!

✅ Popular Event ✅ Sweet Unlocks
CANYON//SRAM is offering an opportunity for riders to unlock the exclusive racing kit worn by the team IRL for the Tour de France Femmes! Some rides will have leaders present; however, most will be open-paced. Learn all about the events >
This jersey unlock ride takes place over 30 minutes on the R.G.V. course in France.
Multiple time slots throughout this weekend
Sign up at
🤝 Summit Seeker – with Robo Pacers!

✅Popular Event ✅Robo-Paced
The monthly Summit Seeker events are back! Join these group rides and have a RoboPacer there to pace you every step of the way up the Alpe. These RoboPacers are specifically paced to help riders meet a certain time goal. The goal times are the following: 49, 59, 69, 89, and 119 minutes.
These rides take place over one lap of the Road to Sky course. Best of luck!
Multiple time slots this weekend
Sign up at
How We Make Our Picks
We choose each weekend’s Notable Events based on a variety of factors including:
- Is the event unique/innovative in some way?
- Are celebrities (pro riders, etc) attending/leading?
- Are signup counts already high, meaning the event is extra-popular?
- Does the ride include desirable unlocks or prizes?
- Does the event appeal to ladies on Zwift? (We like to support this under-represented group!)
- Is it for a good cause?
- Is it just plain crazy (extra long races, world record attempts, etc)?
- Is it a long-running, popular weekly event with a dedicated leader who deserves a shout out?
In the end, we want to call attention to events that are extra-special and therefore extra-appealing to Zwifters. If you think your event qualifies, comment below with a link/details and we may just include it in an upcoming post!
Your Thoughts
Got other events that stand out this weekend? Share below in the comments!