Team 3R are at it again! In March, they hosted the VEveresting Academy that brought people together to tackle the VEveresting challenge. Having taken part myself (and completed the challenge) I can testify that it was an excellent and well-organised event.
This time, the team are “upping the ante” by offering the chance to undertake a 12 or 24-hour endurance challenge. To parallel the VEveresting Academy, training events will be hosted in the build-up to the main events.
This challenge is not for the faint-hearted and will test you to your limits and beyond. (For a taste of what’s involved, read this post from earlier in the year when Mitja Kovacic undertook an epic adventure into the unknown of endurance cycling.)
Conscious that 24 hours might be a little of out of reach for some, an alternative 12-hour version is planned. For more information, 3R’s official press release can be viewed below:

3R 12/24hour Ultra Endurance Academy & Challenge
After a long summer where we all rode outside, went on a holiday or pursued racing after a winter long training, it’s time again to set new goals.
3R endurance team is proud to present a possible goal for all Zwift endurance junkies out there.
Saturday September the 18th will be the start of the 12h/24h academy to train towards a 12hour ride on the 15th of January and a 24hour ride on the 26th of February.
The academy consists of a training plan, a weekly ultra endurance ride on Saturday morning 08.00h CET, and guest ride leaders on this weekly ultra endurance ride with ultra endurance experience both on Zwift and real life racers.
Of course doing such challenge group wise will be an extra motivator for all riders to push your limits and complete your goal.
3R Discord ultra endurance channel will be open for all that do the academy to chat, share experience and ask questions about training, gear, food and other ultra endurance topics.
Furthermore 3R once again partners up with World Bicycle Relief; WBR, to raise funds via the challenge.
Sign up
No special sign up is needed – you just join the Zwift events each Saturday morning at 8am CEST.
As this event takes shape, I will be sure to report on it in upcoming posts, in the meantime to keep updated with information, please click on the Discord link:
The event kicks off this Saturday 18th September at 8am CEST/7am BST – see event details and sign up here.
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