Last week’s “Up-Down-Up-Down” set of races mixed up the results nicely, but the suffering remained! Watch popular Twitch streamer GeneralElost take on the C category (“That was probably the deepest I’ve dug… in a long time!”):
This week all of the races are on UCI Worlds routes. But first, let’s look at who topped the podium in each time zone and category:
Last Week’s Results
Overall Winners
A: Josh Harris (AERO)
B: Ben N
C: Tatsuya Kaga
D: Christopher F
A: Iker Mourelle RS (BL13)
B: Dan Forman
C: Grant Stewart (ZIMUK)*
D: Gary Price (COALITION)
A: Thomas Berry (BL13)
B: Regan C.
C: Alex Marshall (TFC)
D: G Kauffman (DraftingDinos)
*Grant tied with Luca Degre for points, but Grant gets the win with the highest single finish overall.
Women’s Winners
A: –
B: Lam Kong (SISU)
C: Sandra Kugelberga (WCC)
D: Alice Cantelo (Herd)
A: –
B: Alice Lethbridge (Socks4Watts)
C: Susanne Freidberg (Vixen)
D: Lieke Elands
A: –
B: Amanda Wendorff (IRACELIKEAGIRL)
C: –
D: Karena Flett (CrushPod)
This Week’s Races: Worlds Courses
This week’s routes are all hosted in courses that have previously hosted UCI Worlds races. We’ve organized them in chronological order: Richmond (2015), Innsbruck (2018), Yorkshire (2019), and Glasgow (2023)!

Lutscher finish

- Race 1: Richmond UCI Reverse (4km – ends on straightaway after Libby Hill descent)
A tough route with two gut-punching climbs. Start with a descent, then a longish climb. Grab a powerup at the banner, then it’s a quick descent into a steep (20%+!), short kicker. Grab another powerup at the Libby Hill KOM banner, then descend Libby’s cobbles and end on the paved, straight downhill that follows. Climbers will get away on the last kicker, but bigger riders may just be able to chase them back!- Powerup: Draft Boost (2x)
- Race 2: Lutscher (4.7km – ends after first hairpin on climb)
Get a flat lead-in from the start pens, then turn left and hit the Innsbruck KOM and go all-in for 2km. Race ends just after the first hairpin turn.- Powerup: Feather (1x)
- Race 3: 2019 UCI Worlds Harrogate Circuit (6.2km – ends after Pot Bank descent)
This route in Yorkshire ends on the straight false flat following the super-steep Pot Bank descent.- Powerup: none
- Race 4: Glasgow Crit Circuit (2 laps – 6km)
Brace yourself for big attacks on The Clyde Kicker, and make sure you time that final sprint just right.- Powerup: Anvil (4x)

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ZwiftPower Results
Zwift displays preliminary race results in game when you cross the line, but points are computed after all four races are finished, with final results on ZwiftPower. (We have to do some data processing on our side to compute results, so if your rankings don’t show up right away, be patient.)
Riders will earn points based on finish position in each of the 4 Tiny Races. The category winner of each week’s series is the rider with the most points across their timezone’s 4 races. Here are the links for each timezone’s results on ZwiftPower:
- Zone 1 (9am GMT/5am EDT/2am PDT)
- Zone 2 (3pm GMT/11am EST/8am PDT)
- Zone 3 (9pm GMT/5pm EDT/2pm PDT/Sunday 7am AEST)
Tiny Race rules are simple, but still every week 7-10% of registered ZwiftPower racers get disqualified and removed from the final results. Don’t let that be you! Four races, four rules:
- You must have a ZwiftPower account, because final results are processed by ZwiftPower (learn how to sign up)
- No skipping then returning. These races are meant to be raced as a set of 4. If you need to leave early, that’s fine… but once you miss a race in your hour’s set of 4, don’t come back and race another or you’ll be disqualified from that race since you rested while others were racing! (Example: racing only races 1 and 2 is fine. Racing 1, 2, and 4 is not – you will be DQ from race 4. And if you race 2, 3, and 4, you’ll be DQ from all those races, since you skipped race 1!)
- Heart rate monitors are required for podium finishers
- ZPower/Virtual power is not allowed. Smart trainer/smart bike or power meter required.
Join a Chat & Chill Cooldown
Immediately following each hour’s racing, we’ve scheduled 30-minute “Chat & Chill” events where riders from all categories can spin their legs together and chat about how it all went down. Find them at
Zwift Insider Kit Unlock
Finish any Tiny Race or a Chat & Chill ride and unlock the Zwift Insider “Ride Smarter // Ride Harder” in-game kit.

Questions or Comments
Post below!