Grab your lederhose, fill your stein with electrolytes, and stuff pretzels into your jersey pockets. Zwift inaugural PretzelFest is almost here!
The event series consists of three stages across three weeks from October 1-21. Rides and runs are scheduled, and best of all, completing any event unlocks the new in-game lederhose kit!
Route and Schedule Details
Each stage has a long and short ride option (category A and B respectively) plus separate run events with just one length option.
Stage 1: October 1-7
- Long Ride: The Pretzel (Full lap: 73km, 1360m)
- Short Ride: Bigger Loop (Partial lap: 18.1km, 227m)
- Run: The Pretzel (Partial lap: 7.5km)
Stage 2: October 8-14
- Long Ride: The London Pretzel (Full lap: 56.2km, 576m)
- Short Ride: The London Pretzel (Partial lap: 29.5km, 302m)
- Run: The London Pretzel (Partial lap: 5km)
Stage 3: October 15-21
- Long Ride: The Mega Pretzel (Partial lap: 73km, 1078m)
- Short Ride: Muir and the Mountain (Partial lap: 14.1km, 330m)
- Run: The Mega Pretzel (Partial lap: 5km)

See upcoming PretzelFest events at >
Lederhose Kit Unlock

The real news here is the Lederhose kit! Completing any event in the series to unlock it. Specific stage completions will unlock additional kit items:
- Complete Stage 1: Unlock the Alpine Socks + Kit
- Complete Stage 2: Unlock the Alpine Shoes + Kit
- Complete Stage 3: Unlock the Alpine Hat + Kit
Is it a race?
These events are officially not races. That said, anytime Zwift holds leaderless group events with open pacing, some people will treat the events as races while others treat them as social events.
You do you! Ride your ride, run your run. Just enjoy working toward your fitness goals!
Questions or Comments?
Post below!