If you like races, this weeks’ Top 5 Zwift Videos includes two examples of teamwork in a finishing attack and a guide to Zwift racing. It’s also the time of year where a lot of people are using FTP tests to assess their fitness, and another video compares different types of FTP tests after taking each one. Finally, watch a Zwifter complete the entire Rapha Festive 500 in one ride!
Dominant 1/2 punch attack by Saris+TPC (WattsUP ep.0)
In this expertly-analyzed video, Anna Russell breaks down the end of a women’s race from the first season of the Zwift Racing League (a series that she’s helping to commentate for Zwift Community Live). As a group of 9 riders approaches the finish, Team Saris + The Pro’s Closet made use of a “one-two punch” that got them the win!
*Zwift Race Breakdown* AN ATTACK THAT WORKED! Aggressive Zwift Racing.
Speaking of teamwork, Jonathan Crain breaks down a couple of attacks he coordinated with a real-life teammate during a Zwift race. See examples of a mid-race breakaway and a finish line attack, where Jonathan stays with the group as his teammate makes a break for it.
Which FTP Test Is Best? Zwift Ramp Test Comparison With 20 Min & 1 Hour Tests
Phillip Lovett (“Bike Racing Without Mercy”) performs a ramp test on Zwift, after having done a 20-minute FTP test and a 1-hour FTP test, and compares all three.
Martijn (“Fernwee”) and his friend Mike didn’t just want to ride the whole Rapha Festive 500 on Zwift. They set out to do all 500 kilometers in one ride!
How to Win on Zwift – 5 Tips in 7 Minutes
On an episode of “This Cycling Life,” host Jamie Anderson talks to Zwift and outdoor racing cyclist Dione Wang to get some tips about how to win races on Zwift. It’s especially helpful to beginners and those just starting to race.
Got a Great Zwift Video?
Share the link below and we may feature it in an upcoming post!