Registration is now open for Zwift Academy Tri 2021 (sign up here, or in game). Here’s a complete look at this year’s program including changes from the previous year, workout details, graduation requirements, schedule details, and more!
Intro to Zwift Academy Tri
Now in its third year, Zwift Academy Tri is an annual event that serves two purposes. First, it’s a global training program for triathletes of all levels. Secondly, it’s a worldwide talent ID competition to determine the six members of this year’s Zwift Academy Tri Team (more on that below).
New for 2021
Each year ZA Tri evolves to improve on its dual goals of building an inclusive training community and spotting talented athletes. Here’s what’s new for ZA Tri in 2021:
Orientation Workouts

Designed especially for new Zwifters and/or first-time Academy participants, these short, nonrequired events explain the basics of structured training and introduce you to the overall ZA Tri program. They will be available on the event calendar as group workouts starting October 5th, but also available (along with all Zwift Academy Tri workouts) in the Zwift Academy Tri 2021 folder in your on-demand workouts menu.
Baseline + Finish Line “Progress” Rides and Runs

Understanding your progress over time is a key aspect of training effectively. It also inspires us to greater fitness! That’s why this year’s ZA Tri program includes “progress” rides and runs at the start and finish of the program.
- Baseline and Finish Line Rides come in two flavors: the Advanced A category is a 40km TT, while the Standard B category is a 20km TT. Learn more about Baseline and Finish Line Rides >
- Baseline and Finish Line Runs also come in two flavors: the Advanced A category is a 10km race, and the Standard B category 5km race. Learn more about Baseline and Finish Line Runs >
Both the rides and runs are all-out races, so give it all you’ve got in order to set accurate benchmarks!
Note: athletes going for a ZA Tri team spot need to complete the advanced versions of the Baseline and Finish Line rides and runs.
Progress Tracking in Companion App
New features in Zwift’s Companion app will let you track your overall Academy progress, as well as stats on your PRs for the Baseline and Finish Line events.
Run Workout Updates

The year’s program includes 5 fresh run workouts. New for 2021, participants have a choice between a short or long version of each workout.
Additionally, these workouts include two new features never before seen in Zwift Run:
- Run/walk recovery sections where participants can choose their pace
- An incline indicator in the HUD
Graduation Requirements
To complete Zwift Academy Tri 2021, participants must complete a total of 14 events:
- 1 Baseline Run event
- 1 Baseline Ride event
- 5 Zwift Academy Tri run workouts (group workouts or individual, your choice)
- 5 Zwift Academy Tri bike workouts (group workouts or individual, your choice)
- 1 Finish Line Run event
- 1 Finish Line Ride event
All requirements need to be completed between October 18th and December 13th.
Athletes aspiring to the Zwift Academy Tri Team have additional requirements – see below for details.
Bike Workout Details
#1: Full-Distance Specific
Available for group workouts Oct 18-28
Designed to improve aerobic threshold—which for most people is around Ironman pace—this session leans a little into long-distance triathlon with intermittent 30-sec bursts meant to induce extra fatigue. This variable intensity has been proven to be effective at pushing thresholds up.

#2: Strength Endurance/Threshold Combo
Available for group workouts Oct 28-Nov 7
Combining endurance and threshold riding makes this workout an impressive challenge, with quick changes in specific cadence between sets to keep you on your toes.
This session dials in strength and threshold power with the changes in torque—ideally boosting your FTP. This session is great when done in ERG mode.

#3: 70.3 Development
Available for group workouts Nov 7-17
This session is typically known as an up-and-under session, where you perform efforts at slightly over and then slightly under your 70.3 race pace power. Not only is this a great way to get more comfortable at your 70.3 pace, it tends to improve that number!

#4: Short VO2 Intervals
Available for group workouts Nov 17-27
A one-stop shop for boosting your anaerobic, aerobic, and neuromuscular systems, short intervals are key to any training plan. By manipulating the work-to-rest ratios, we’re able to target each of these three factors to a greater extent.

#5: Long VO2 Max
Available for group workouts Nov 27-Dec 7
Threshold is the point at which the powerhouse of the muscThreshold is the point at which the powerhouse of the muscle cell (mitochondria) can no longer produce energy (ATP) aerobically. So, to build this, we perform repeated high intensity efforts—somewhere around 7-8 out of 10 in terms of perceived intensity.

Run Workout Details
#1: Strength Endurance
Available for group workouts Oct 18-28
Just like cycling, working on specific strength in running is a great way to improve your running off the bike, specifically in long distance triathlons.
Long Run (45 minutes) Short Run (25 minutes)
#2: Full-Distance Specific VO2 Max
Available for group workouts Oct 28-Nov 7
Running at a long-distance pace while fatigued isn’t easy, but the gains you reap are well worth it. It’s also a perfect chance to see how much the middle portion of the workout might fatigue you, as you pick up speed after dishing out an Ironman pace effort.
Long Run (40 minutes) Short Run (30 minutes)
#3: Progressive Tempo
Available for group workouts Nov 7-17
As we fatigue, one of the first things to deteriorate is running form. So maintaining proper form while running at high speeds with some fatigue is an essential skill to train. This session is designed to help hone in on that. An ascending pace tempo session, Workout 4 aims to progressively increase the pace every few minutes to just above threshold.
Long Run (40 minutes) Short Run (25 minutes)
#4: Speed Booster
Available for group workouts Nov 17-27
We’ll begin at an aerobic tempo effort before moving into faster intervals. Each rep will get faster than the previous one. The goal is This session has you building top end speed with some fast 400m reps sandwiched between endurance-based 400m reps. These faster paced runs are great for boosting neuromuscular coordination and mechanics.
Long Run (40 minutes) Short Run (25 minutes)
#5: Threshold Development
Available for group workouts Nov 27-Dec 13
Threshold is the point at which the powerhouse of the muscle cell (mitochondria) can no longer produce energy (ATP) aerobically. To build this, we perform repeated high intensity efforts—somewhere around 7-8 out of 10 in terms of perceived intensity.
Long Run (45 minutes) Short Run (30 minutes)
Set Your Paces!
To ensure the best results from your structured training, you’ll want to start your ZA Tri running workouts with accurate pace settings. If you don’t know the run paces you’re capable of, take the Zwift 5k Test. Make sure you are rested before completing the test for best results!
The same goes for the cycling workouts – make sure you have an accurate FTP setting before starting the workouts. To quickly find your FTP, try taking the Ramp Test.
Key Dates/Schedule
- ZA Tri in-game registration opens Sep 20
- ZA Tri orientation group workouts available Oct 5-17
- ZA Tri begins Oct 18
- Baseline events are available Oct 18–Nov 13
- Makeup events available during the final week of the program (all events of the program will be available this week)
- Finish Line events are available Nov 14-Dec 13
- ZA Tri ends December 13, 2021
- ZA Tri Team applications accepted from 150-200 selected participants Dec 14, 2021-Jan 15, 2022

Participants will unlock new kit as they progress through the program:
- ZA Tri Socks
- ZA Tri Backwards Running Cap
- ZA Tri Cycling Kit
- ZA Tri Running Shirt and Socks
- ZA Tri Helmet
Zwift Academy Tri Team Selection
Many ZA Tri participants will be aiming for one of six spots on this year’s ZA Tri Team whose goal is to qualify for and compete in the 2022 Ironman World Championship.
To be eligible for team selection, athletes must:
- Graduate the Zwift Academy Tri program
- Complete the Advanced versions of the Baseline & Finish Line Bike (40km) TT and Run (10km) events
- For bike events, use a smart trainer, heart rate monitor, and cadence sensor
- For run, use cadence sensor, heart rate strap, and complete the long Run workouts
- Be an amateur athlete
What else will Zwift use in order to determine who makes the 6-member Zwift Academy Tri team? See the full terms and conditions, which include a detailed “Selection Process/Team Participation” section. Specifically, it states:
… performance potential, previous race results, ability and availability to meet the Team training schedule, availability and willingness to participate in any scheduled Team training events and camps, ability and willingness to race at the 2022 Ironman World Championship and any necessary qualifying races and the triathlon related presence and activity on social media as well as within the triathlon community.

This year’s ZA Tri coach is Dr. Dan Plews, a world-class coach and athlete with a PhD in exercise physiology.
He’s worked with 25 World Champs and Olympians in triathlon, rowing, and sailing. Long course triathlon is his passion, having coached athletes to numerous 70.3 and long course wins as well as several sub 8-hour performances. On top of all that, Dan holds the Kona course record—8 hours and 24 minutes—for the fastest ever age-grouper.
Ready to Get Started?
Sign up in-game, or do it online at
Questions or Comments?
Post below! We’ll do our best to answer any questions, and may reach out to Zwift HQ if you have queries we can’t answer.