Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 (2018) Direct Drive Trainer

The 4th KICKR is compatible with the Climb, has built-in cadence, and supports up to three simultaneous Bluetooth connections. It's also got a larger flywheel than previous generations, resulting in a more realistic road feel. But most of all, it's very, very quiet, thanks to a change in the belt drive.
Key Specs
- MSRP: $1199.99 USD
- Accuracy: +-2%
- Flywheel: 16lb
- Max Wattage: 2200 W
- Max Incline: 20%
Where to Buy
This trainer is no longer in production, but you may find a good deal on used or old stock.
More Details
- Brand: Wahoo
- Year Released: 2018 (No longer in production)
- Axle Compatibility: 130/135mm quick release, 12x142 and 12x148 thru-axle
- Requires Calibration
- Weight: 21kg
- Cadence: Built in
- Communication: ANT+ and Bluetooth
- Cassette Included: 11-speed, installed
- Physical Dimensions: 20" x 28" (54 cm x 71 cm)

Support App: Wahoo Fitness
Use the Wahoo Fitness app to perform spindown calibrations (including advanced factory spindowns) as well as firmware updates on your KICKR trainers. The app also lets you configure other devices in the Wahoo indoor ecosystem such as the Climb and Headwind, as well as control your trainer for workouts.
Overall Rating
4.5 stars
based on 90 reviews
I had a problem with my first kickr, but I found the customer service to be very good and they sent me a new kickr no questions. Since then I have not had any trouble. It is reliable. Kickr Gen4 Review from Chris September 30, 2020Â
Easy to put together. Never had an issue sofar. Perfectly happy with it. Sam’s review from Samuel7 September 30, 2020Â
Some small hiccups with connectivity over bluetooth but overall a great, smooth trainer Wahoo Kickr Refurbished from ashawswim20 September 29, 2020Â
I have had this trainer since 2018 when it first came out. Wahoo discovered an issue with a locking key that could get loose and would lead to a noisy trainer. I experienced this issue, and when I contacted Wahoo about it they replaced my trainer with no fuss (giving me a new unit with the updated key). Since that time it has been great. I've put many miles on it and it has been a game changer for my indoor cycling experience. I found it very easy to set up, it feels very solid, and I trust the power numbers. I wouldn't say it is very portable (it weighs almost 50 pounds!) but with this version they did add a handle, which at least makes it easy to reposition. The only reason I would ever consider upgrading is that the 2020 version does not require a spin down procedure, but that alone is not enough to get me to upgrade. I also appreciate that it can handle whatever gradient Zwift can throw at me, and I have no chance of maxing out on the watts it is capable of. This was my first smart trainer, as well as my first direct drive trainer. I've used a couple of wheel on trainers before, but this has really sold me on the direct drive route. Oh, and it is super quiet. All I really ever hear is my drivetrain, my own breathing, and fans if I am running them. I highly recommend this unit. After initial hiccup it has been rock solid. Can’t give enough props to Wahoo support! from Plainsman September 28, 2020Â
Full disclosure, this is my 3rd KICKR after the previous 2 were warranty returns. I'm very happy with the performance of my trainer, easy to calibrate and sync up with Zwift. Great trainer from Kelly5094 September 28, 2020Â

More Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 (2018) Reviews
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I had a problem with my first kickr, but I found the customer service to be very good and they sent me a new kickr no questions. Since then I have not had any trouble. It is reliable. Kickr Gen4 Review from Chris September 30, 2020Â
Easy to put together. Never had an issue sofar. Perfectly happy with it. Sam’s review from Samuel7 September 30, 2020Â
Some small hiccups with connectivity over bluetooth but overall a great, smooth trainer Wahoo Kickr Refurbished from ashawswim20 September 29, 2020Â
I have had this trainer since 2018 when it first came out. Wahoo discovered an issue with a locking key that could get loose and would lead to a noisy trainer. I experienced this issue, and when I contacted Wahoo about it they replaced my trainer with no fuss (giving me a new unit with the updated key). Since that time it has been great. I've put many miles on it and it has been a game changer for my indoor cycling experience. I found it very easy to set up, it feels very solid, and I trust the power numbers. I wouldn't say it is very portable (it weighs almost 50 pounds!) but with this version they did add a handle, which at least makes it easy to reposition. The only reason I would ever consider upgrading is that the 2020 version does not require a spin down procedure, but that alone is not enough to get me to upgrade. I also appreciate that it can handle whatever gradient Zwift can throw at me, and I have no chance of maxing out on the watts it is capable of. This was my first smart trainer, as well as my first direct drive trainer. I've used a couple of wheel on trainers before, but this has really sold me on the direct drive route. Oh, and it is super quiet. All I really ever hear is my drivetrain, my own breathing, and fans if I am running them. I highly recommend this unit. After initial hiccup it has been rock solid. Can’t give enough props to Wahoo support! from Plainsman September 28, 2020Â
Full disclosure, this is my 3rd KICKR after the previous 2 were warranty returns. I'm very happy with the performance of my trainer, easy to calibrate and sync up with Zwift. Great trainer from Kelly5094 September 28, 2020Â
The Wahoo Kickr. Since my first hearing about the breed of smart-trainers and my actual buy of the Kickr there went four generations. I recently bought a Kickr 4.0. It delivers. Year after year I was hesitating. I started on Zwift with a dumb trainer, an Elite Qubo Fluid. Although the trainer was available for Zwiftpower I soon came to a setup with a Powermeter. This enabled me for accurate riding on Zwift, the only caveat being the counter-intuitive shifting since I had to upshift in the climbs to generate the required power on my dumb trainer. For sure not the most realistic riding feel, but still fun. Since then there went three years. Kickr was tempting, but Kickr was expensive. Well, finally temptation won. My mind happy, my wallet not so exited I received a used Kickr 4.0. Leveling out the trainer, setting up the bike, getting the app and firmware updates and performing a short calibration took only minutes although I – as a grown-up man does – never read the manual. Riding along on the thing is a breeze, but I unfortunately have to state that it’s still you who’s doing the work. No relief on the dark side of the pain cave. Ugh. Now I want to share my own meandering experience of the most common selling points of those trainers, just to offer a real-world perspective. Riding feel Yep. It’s more intuitive. Although I never had a problem with shifting up when a climb required power on my dumb trainer I certainly enjoy the more realistic riding experience when coming into an incline. Small crests even can be “flattened out” by flatting out, without shifting. Powering over small bumps, shifting down for actual hills. Great inertia within the flywheel. Just like outside. Fun. Marketing claim usefulness: 5/5 Maximum incline 20% incline can be portrayed by the Kickr 4.0. This is huge, considering most people on Zwift and especially me are suffering from mediocracy and therefore come along with a trainer difficulty setting of mostly around 50 % (Zwift default). You do the math. Marketing claim usefulness: 4/5 Maximum resistance Kickr is capable of sensing 2200 W. Kickr was never challenged with 2200 W. My name is Weak Joe, not Peter Sagan. Oh boy. Marketing claim usefulness: 2/5 Accuracy Addicted to zwift racing, in some leagues backup power data is required. This means that two separate power recordings need to be submitted. Therefore I got a very good insight in the power data from the Wahoo Kickr 4.0 vs. my Stages Power Meter. The Kickr offers great resolution and can be almost certain be verified to be within the claimed accuracy window of +/- 2 %. Besides being accurate, the recorded power data was in 99% of cases flawless in quality. Marketing claim usefulness: 5/5 Noise Here’s the tricky part: If you justified your expense with noise reduction and promised your wife your training will be much quieter than on a turbo trainer, you could be lost. Here’s why: If your wife is upstairs/downstairs she will love the new setup. No rotating rear wheel, which slight imperfections in balance means noise vibration transferred through the trainer into the floor and the building’s structure. So: happy neighbors. However, drivetrain noises still appear, and even with a well-maintained powertrain the resulting noise within the training room is quite equal to turbo trainers. Therefore, differentiate the sound. Sound emission in the pain cave: equal to turbo trainers. Sound emission for the neighbors: extremely reduced. Marketing claim usefulness: 3/5 Overall Real-world vs marketing score: 3.8/5. Below the invention of the wheel, above the electric pencil sharpener. Great result! Well-engineered trainer but consider buying second-hand or refurbished. Within my reasonable financial situation, my reasonable passion for cycling and the trainer’s reasonable benefits I am right on the edge of considering the money well-spent. I am content with what I got for my spent value, but maybe would not if I paid the full price for a new one. Refurbished Kickr 4.0 from Approximation September 27, 2020Â
+ Much quieter compared to 2017 version - Seems to be overreading by 3-5% around 150W compared to both my 4iiii crank and previous KICKR 2017 Wahoo KICKR 2018 from K4m1k4z3 September 27, 2020Â
+ Extremely accurate in higher wattages (around 300W)
- Firmware update always gets stuck on my Android phone
It took several replacements, with recurrent issues with the "flywheel vibration and noise" issue. They finally sent a unit that has worked well for about a year. I use this trainer 4-6 times a week during off season. It is quiet and produces consistent power readings. There is a bit of a lag when running zwift (resistance lags slightly relative to terrain), but not sure if that is Zwift or the trainer. Also have the climb, which is a nice addition to the ride but certainly not a requirement. I will say that their customer support has been excellent. I have owned several different versions of the Kickr (also still own the 2015 version), and whenever there was an issue they responded immediately. Major issues (such as vibration/noise above) were quickly remedied by them sending a new unit to my house, with return shipping to send them the old. No real downtime. Unit is quite heavy but easily transported. Setup is quick. Wahoo 2018…just works from KM September 26, 2020Â
Great trainer. Had some problems with a couple. Wahoo's customer service was great! Logs on easily via bluetooth with my MacBook Pro Great trainer from Steiny September 25, 2020Â
I have been through 4 Wahoo Kickrs, starting with an earlier release, breaking them 3 different ways. I am a high usage rider (over 10,000 miles per year), and I think Wahoo has it right with this release. The trainer works well, but the support from Wahoo (and my LBS, Clarksville Schwinn) have been impeccable. I only stayed with Wahoo because of the great support (and not just with the Kickr). I would buy another Wahoo when I am ready to upgrade. Great Trainer and Even Better Support from bolanbiker September 25, 2020Â
Easy to use and to connect to zwift. Solid construction. Very heavy. First time using a direct drive smart training from Camw September 25, 2020Â
Super. Très rĂ©aliste. Que du plaisir ! Je recommande ce smart trainer Mon wahoo kickr core from lebitouxp September 25, 2020Â
This trainer has been flawless with two daily users for six months. It's quiet enough for little ones to nap on the sofa right next to it... The handle alone is a worthwhile upgrade from the Core model if you're ever going to move it. Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 from cubs2666 September 24, 2020Â
Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 from cubs2666 September 23, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertiaWell-built
Well-supported by all training platforms, plenty of resistance for my needs, and has Kickr Climb support which makes climbing much more engaging. Hooked on the Wahoo ecosystem from Alan L. September 23, 2020Â
Wahoo Kicker Gen 4 from zachbennett September 23, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertiaWell-built Helpful support Portable/storable Quiet
Great “real feel” solution from Jatsoon September 23, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertiaWell-built Helpful support Portable/storable Quiet
While the belt ripped on my elite Directo II, I needed a new trainer fast and during COVID options very limited. But one of my local bike shops had a Wahoo Kickr and a Tacx Neo and I decided to give the Wahoo a try, to keep the climb option open for me. Smart trainer number two from Carsten September 22, 2020Â
I had power issues, straight out of the box and Wahoo exchanged the Kickr for a new one within the first month of owning it. The new unit worked flawless since I've got it in May 2020
I am happy with the Kickr, the bigger flywheel and therefore the difference in inertia is the biggest difference between the elite and the Wahoo Kickr and I prefer to ride the Kickr over the elite.
Absolutely delighted with this trainer. Initially borrowed one before investing and was delighted with the ease of setup and robustness. Since then bought two refurbished units, both were pretty much as new and have operated faultlessly. Their quietness is an outstanding feature, as has the support from Wahoo, who quickly supplied a couple of accessories that we’re missing from the box. Would absolutely recommend this trainer. So good we’ve got two from PeaEmm September 21, 2020Â
Not a single issue so far and I am really pleased with my purchase. Easy setup, accurate, quiet and easy to move around. Get one now! Kickr18 so far without flaws from LK September 17, 2020Â
Great stuff! from Ka-Pow September 17, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertiaWell-built Portable/storable Quiet
Purchased Gen4 Kickr in September 2018 and trainer was great for a year and a bit. It then started developing a vibration and clacking noise. Had a repair to what appears to be a common issue with this trainer which stopped the clacking noise but a bit of vibration remained and certainly not the quiet trainer I originally purchased. Trainer has now developed the clacking noise again. 180 total hours spent on trainer, had hoped to get a lot more out of a premium high priced product. Great but hasn’t gone the distance from Laurence September 17, 2020Â
I’ve had my Kickr and Climb since 1/2020 and love it. I seem to have no problems. I put my old 2013 carbon Giant Defy on it, so I had to change out the cassette for a 10 speed with spacer, but it works great. I used to have some difficult with spindowns. Since new firmware installed in 8/2020, spindowns work better, no matter what other Bluetooth or ANT+ are attached. Sometimes if I go more than a few weeks, spindown in Zwift fails , but will work after completed in Wahoo Fitness App. Spin down easier with new firmware from Berniep100 September 16, 2020Â
Easy set up. Great customer support. ERG mode is a god send. Power output is accurate Wahoo kicks 18 from griffinneil September 16, 2020Â
Very smooth & natural, road like feel. Very solid & robust, does not blink in the face of my punney sprint efforts! Whilst generally a brilliat & reliable trainer, having ridden many, many miles/Kilometres on it , it is inevitable a few little niggles have come to the surface: Great top-end trainer from WheezyWheels September 11, 2020Â
Calibration/spindown is a pain. Unless you make sure every other Bluetooth device around is switched off/out of range, the Wahoo Android app will not connect to the trainer. Could be an issue with my mobile device I guess.
No 'rock-'n-roll' side to side movement at all - I'm considering getting the upgraded feet as used on the Gen 5 Kickr which apparently does give some limited movement.
The 11 speed cassette supplied is a Sunrace unit. This is supposed to be directly compatible with Shimano drive-chains. However I have had a couple of these cassettes & both suffer from a slight noise/vibration when using the 23 tooth cog. I think Wahoo are cutting corners & saving a few pence/cents when for a top of the range unit like this it should be a genuine Shimano cassette.
But overall it work well. I use it with the Kickr Climb which works well & brings a great degree of realism to the Zwift game.
Sweet from Trimble15 September 11, 2020Â
Accurate power Well-built
I bought the KOM bundle and was somewhat skeptical about the climb but I took the chance and it really does enhance the experience. I also paired it with a ROCKR Pro. Wahoo announced the next generation with the rocking legs but I think I like the range of motion that the ROCKR gives me better than I would have liked that. Overall the experience is very positive. First 2 Months with Kickr and Kickr Climb from birkhead1967 September 10, 2020Â
I'd been on a Tacx Vortex for about 11 months and loving Zwift. I was racing, riding, climbing, unlocking, you name it. But the thing that I was really missing was that real-feel, that trueness of elevation simulation going up Alpe du Zwift or the Radio Tower climb. In a weird sense, I wanted to suffer. Having done rides outdoors and climbs of 15-25% gradient, I wanted that feeling and sensation indoors. For me, that was a primary reason for moving to a direct drive trainer from a wheel-on. Secondly, was the accuracy. Hands down, the reviews and high opinions that people were saying of the KICKR, in the same breathe as the Taxc Neo, was worthy of deeper investigation. Being loyal to Tacx for under a year (not hardcore loyal, it was my first trainer) and being in the Garmin ecosystem, moving to another manufacturer of cycling hardware was a concern. I had the Garmin HRM and it was Ant+ only, so replaced that with a Wahoo TICKR after a few months of Zwifting. Easy migration to another brand... it had Ant+ and Bluetooth and siimular price. But moving from a GBP 300 smart trainer to one that was RRP GBP 1000, is one giant leap for mankind in lycra. The KICKR is solid, it's heavy, it's well built and it came with a cassette, and it was <2% accurate but did require regular calibration. A spin down was not that much of an issue, particularly as you have to do this with a wheel-on anyway. The set-up was simple, out the box, adjust the height to the designated slot of your wheel size, place bike on trainer, turn on and off you go. Downloading the Wahoo Fitness app helped at the beginning to check for firmware updates, and put in a few settings. Then doing a spin down was familiar, ride to a set speed and then stop pedalling. Whole process is finished in less than a couple of minutes. Having an 11-speed cassette on my bike and the Wahoo KICKR was good. Very little indexing of the gears were needed. Running the QR skewer through the back wheel was simple. Word of warning... make sure you have your wheel securely tightened. I did a massive sprint finish in a race and the back wheel came out and bent the skewer! The ride feel is great. When you have trainer difficulty right up to 100% and you're tacking the big climbs on Zwift, you get a real-life experience of what that gradient is like. You're out the saddle to desperately looking for your lower gear and grinding the cadence. 20% gradient does feel like 20% gradient. It might not shake or simulate cobbles like the NEO, but it is compatible with the KICKR Climb, an expensive accessory by Wahoo that moves your front forks up and down based on the gradient. It's so quiet too. Coming from a wheel-on trainer and making sounds like a helicopter was about to land when I was going above 300w, the KICKR is quiet. Literally you can hear your chain go round and your sweat beads hitting the floor. I ended up buying a reconditioned KICKR 2018 model from Wahoo directly at a slightly lower price than RRP, and maybe this was the hook I needed to jump to a direct-drive trainer. With so many available in the GBP 600 - 1,100 price band, if you're going to go all in with your chips, it's not a bad gamble to take. Would I recommend it? Most definitely. Now that the 2020 version has been released, you will likely be able to pick up a 2018 model for a good price. Becoming a Wahooligan and first experience of direct-drive from jimhaysom September 10, 2020Â
The Kickr is a great trainer. It is very quiet which is very helpful if you're leaving in an apartment like I do. the noisiest part in my set up is the fan I have. I bought mine in March 2019 and unfortunately the locking key issue that Wahoo was having in 2018 happened by December 2019. Product Support was extremely helpful and my unit was replaced very quickly (around 2 weeks which is very good taking into consideration it happen right before Christmas). I've had no issues so far with the replacement unit. I would totally recommend this product, it is definitely worth the investment. Great product, very quiet from Lucas R September 10, 2020Â
Great trainer. Easy to setup, takes only a few minutes. The sy race cassette that came with kickr did not mesh well with my chain, so I put a Shimano 105 cassette that I used on Core and problem solved. I sometimes get erroneous cadence from Kickr when at very low power (50-90 watts) but does not happen often. I am using built in cadence and not sensor. Awesome from Wasabibutler September 10, 2020Â
Moved from a wheel-on trainer and the improvements were huge. Very easy to mount and remove the bike. The noise is minimum and mostly come from the drivetrain. It comes with a 11-28 cassette so if you are running anything else on your bike you will need to replace the cassette accordingly to shift properly. So far so good from xcf33 September 9, 2020Â
Enjoy my Kickr. This is my third unit after failures with first two. Been riding this unit for around 1.5 years now and it is still nice and quiet. Wahoo tech support was excellent when I had to deal with issues related to first two units. Very happy with the current unit. Running using Android phone, Windows PC and ANT+ setup. Have had no issues related to communications or mechanical issues. FYI - my FTP is listed at 197 and I generally ride around 80 miles per week. KICKR Review from Dot September 9, 2020Â
Although I had some initial problems such as knocking this was due to the keyway which I fixed myself. My experience with Wahoo Kickr from Oddie September 9, 2020Â
I have taken the trainer apart! When reassembled greased the shaft the trainer is now silent, although I have had a
squeaky belt which initially you think is the trainer but some belt dressing soon fixed this problem.
Kickr from jcheyne September 9, 2020Â
Easy setup Realistic inertiaWell-built Quiet
The Kickr Smart is a great trainer with a very realistic road feel. The large flywheel helps to provide the feeling of overcoming inertia you would get on the road. Having tried a Stages static bike, I far prefer the feel of the Kickr. Two things you don't get are: (i) a simulated downhill (like you do with the Tax Neo), so if you freewheel to super tuck on a long hill, you are going to have to put the work in to get that flywheel up to speed again - takes a little bit of forethought. (ii) when going uphill you don't get the same feeling of connection between your pedal strokes and your movement up the road. On a steep enough hill outside, you may know the feeling of getting out the saddle and really feeling the connection between each pedalstroke and the movement your bike makes, its as if you can feel yourself pushing directly against the resistance. On any trainer, uphill can feel a bit more 'soggy' if I can put it like that, more like pushing through treacle than against a firm resistance. With that said, the Kickr does a great job of changing the resistance to match the road and it usually feels very realistic in terms of changes of difficulty. The 2020 is out now with a bit more accuracy and the 'squishy' feet to allow a small amount of rocking. I haven't had a go on that model, but I can say in relation to the rocking side to side that on a training mat I seem to get a similar amount of side to side motion. it's relatively heavy due to the flywheel, but a handle helps a lot with portability. The legs fold in so it can be stored in a cupboard. Ours tends to live to one side of the room when not in use with the bike still attached. With my road bike on it it's relatively easy to hold the handle and bike frame and lift the whole lot into place in front of the TV. Super easy to set up. The one draw back is the price being quite high. The bottom line is you get what you pay for. I've had zero issues with drop out or odd readings and don't regret a single penny. One thing to watch out for is that this comes with an 11 speed cassette already attached. If your bike runs a 9 or 10 speed you will need to change that out, which will require you to buy a few tools (ÂŁ10-15 online). There a helpful tutorial from Wahoo as to how to swap over the cassette. Wahoo Kickr Smart – Top of the line and worth every penny from Cool Hand Chrovenden September 9, 2020Â
Some days you just don't feel like training, when i walk into my training room and see the trainer set-up everything changes, i will get on the trainer and then all just happens by it self, i just want to pedal, pedal, pedal, everything on the trainer just works fine... Morri’s rev it up from morri September 9, 2020Â
Have been walking around for 2 years to buy a (smart) trainer for the winter period. Since I'm living in an apartment my biggest fear was the noise level which would lead to angry neighbours. Finally I made the decision to buy a Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 and I am more than satisfied. In my opinion there is no noticeable noise from the trainer, only the drivetrain. Have been using the Kickr now for 12 hours without complaints from my neighbours. The set-up was very easy also because the cassette was already pre-installed. Have been using the trainer in combination with Zwift and this works flawless. I can only recommend the KICKR, I should have made the decision to buy it years ago. My high expectations are met 100% from Jasper92nl September 9, 2020Â
Got a refurbished one (end of 2019). Looked like new, very easy to setup. Really quiet and stable. Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 (2018), refurbished from nyco September 9, 2020Â
Used this trainer for several years now. If it works, it is great. Not loud, good control and integration, easy to setup. However, this is the 3rd device. It had to be replaced twice, which went smoothly, but nevertheless was inconvenient. The new trainer runs stable now for months. Good Trainer with some trouble from hk September 9, 2020Â
A good reliable trainer, power and shifting is fast and accurate and it is very quiet. I did have to return the trainer after 10 months as it suddenly became very loud and the power readings so inaccurate that the trainer was unusable, however I received a new trainer under warranty (although it took 4 weeks of continuous emailing with wahoo for them to send it). 3 stars is therefore reflective of a 4 star product and a 2 star customer service. 4 star product, 2 star customer service from P.appa Foxtrot September 9, 2020Â
Solid performer. No frills, quiet, tracks accurately in ERG mode. It just does the job perfectly. The Toyota of the trainers from Ingo September 8, 2020Â
Compact compared to other premium priced smart trainers, and easy to set up. Had some problems in the first 9 months but Wahoo sent two replacement devices, one after 6 months, another after a further 3 months and that one has been good for almost a year now. A recent software enhancement means cadence is included so all good. Based on my experience of the company I would buy from them again. Easy to use, compact product, good service and support from Wahoo from n1msr September 8, 2020Â
Accurate, easy to set up and use, realistic, good tech support Kickr Gen 4 review from treddi September 8, 2020Â
Almost as real as being on the road. from CJGagnon September 8, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertiaWell-built Quiet
I have used 2 different generations of Kickrs. The 2018 is my most recent and best purchase. The trainer is very smooth and quiet and pairs easily with the kickr climb. The resistance is very realistic and makes for a true riding experience and no noise! The only “thing” that I don’t like is the power readings can be quite different between my power pedals and the kickr readings. While I don’t like power match, I’ve always wished that different power sources be closer in reading to one another. Never have problems from RxKathy September 8, 2020Â
Gen 4 is definitely heavier than previous gens; and feels like a much smoother ride as a result. Paired easily with Zwift (once I turned off the Wahoo App), and really just works. Worth the money hands down. Wahoo Kickr Gen 4 is fantastic from MTelang September 8, 2020Â
Wahoo works! from alice-myk September 8, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Helpful support
After avoiding indoor trainers for years a crash forced me to upgrade to a new KICKR. I took a leap of faith and got me the full bundle incl. Headwind, Climber and Desk and I must say. It was money well spend. Especially the combination with the Climber makes indoor training a completely different experience as you are not stuck in one position, but rather shift your position in a much more natural way. Having a nice desk for laptop, food etc. helps also. Addictive product from FGO September 8, 2020Â
If you would have told me 9 months ago that I have my indoor trainer permanently set-up and do (sometimes) 4+ hour rides indoor and enjoy it, I would just have laughed at you.
The only alternative for me would be a switch to the Wahoo KICKR Bike.
Nice to have. Kickrtime from BenKudLa September 8, 2020Â
The Kickr is really quiet!
I have only been zwifting for about a 18 months. For around 10 years I rode a TACX Fortius with steering and the TACX software. The Fortius was not compatible with Zwift. I went with the KICKR so I could try Zwift. I am on my 3rd KICKR because the first two started to make really loud grinding sounds. However after sending Wahoo a video of the problem they quickly sent replacements. Excellent customer service. I have ridden these things hard. When they are working they are the best smart trainer I have ever owned. On number 3 from Professor Andy September 8, 2020Â
I've owned loads of indoor trainers over the last 30 years going back to really basic Turbo Trainers. I have always tried to follow the technology developments, many years ago I brought one of Wahoo's competitors 'interactive ' 1st generation trainers.... it turned out to be an expensive investment in R & D for the manufacturer, a lot of problems with the steerer technology. .... roll on a few years and few more trainers and the Wahoo Kickr along with my subscription to Zwift is the perfect training partner.... and there both products, Yahoo and Zwift continue to support loyalty with continued development of their products and software, thank you both. Wahoo KICKR from Jesjra September 8, 2020Â
After one year the Kickr started to make loud noise. I contacted the service hotline and after uploading a video of spinning the wheel I received a feedback quickely to sent in by Kickr. In total it took one week until I received a brand new Kickr. Great service! The only thing which would have been better would have been not having a problem at all. Great service from Andy September 8, 2020Â
Easy to use and power drop outs are few and far between. No complaints from RP39 September 8, 2020Â
I received the 4th generation right after they came out and almost right away started getting the grinding sound. Ended up going through the process of returning 3 of them and then on the fourth one so far it has been great. I will say that the customer service from Wahoo was amazing and probably the only reason why I stuck with them. They got me replacements ASAP and were always very helpful. Overall I'm giving the unit a 3 rating but the customer service deserves to be called out with a 5 rating! After the 4th replacement it works great!! from Rjspin September 8, 2020Â
Kickr has accurate power readings. It is very quiet. It has a realistic ride feel with little to no vibrations. It does not slide around on the floor. It is fairly easy to set up. It has adjustable feet to allow leveling for uneven floors. It is not lite but isn't bad. It does collapse down for storing. It's not the cheapest direct drive trainer, but it's worth the price. I know theirs been some issues, but Wahoo's support has been excellent with correcting the issues and making it right with the customer. Wahoo Kickr has terrific support from Ruslt September 8, 2020Â
No complaints. It always works well. No complaints from Dusty September 8, 2020Â
Great trainer. Runs without any significant maintenance or problems. It replaced my first gen Kickr that did its job with no problems for six years. Workhorse trainer from rddonoghue September 8, 2020Â
I've been riding on Zwift since 2016, starting out on an Elite "dumb" trainer with a Garmin speed sensor. I soon thereafter upgraded to a Wahoo KICKR SNAP, and that felt like a night and day difference. I recently had the opportunity to upgrade to a refurb'd Wahoo KICKR 2018 and it's an order-of-magnitude difference! A direct-drive trainer alone provides a number of advantages over a wheel-on trainer: faster responses, more hardware compatibility, and a more realistic road feel. The Wahoo KICKR 2018 checks all of those boxes. It's heavy, responsive, and was super easy to setup. Our units came within a week of ordering, and even though they were refurbs, they looked and perform as if brand new. Setup was a matter of minutes, including calibration, and we were off and Zwifting. If you're in the market for a direct-drive trainer, I would absolutely recommend the Wahoo KICKR 2018 or even the newest KICKR iteration. Because I train indoors 99% of the time, this was a no-brainer investment for me. I have been very pleased with the build quality and the ease of use, and especially the noise level. Worth every penny to make my training sessions as productive and worthwhile as possible. Wahoo KICKR 2018 is a game-changer! from jbergquist September 8, 2020Â
Trainer is quiet and connects easily to a laptop via bluetooth or ANT+. It offers good calibration through the app. The new version (2020) has some level of road feel which would be preferred but the quietness is very good. 2018 Wahoo KICKR – Quiet and Efficient from chemers1 September 8, 2020Â
Mostly good things to say, but full disclosure, my unit needed to have the locking key repair done right after buying. The great: Minor negatives: Still Going Strong After 2 Years from Shook September 8, 2020Â
It pairs with my laptop running Zwift very quickly, no issues with the bluetooth signal dropping, and accuracy seems very good.
It just works; I power everything up, get on the bike and ride and I don't think about anything other than my workout, which is exactly how it should be.
I would buy the product again, especially since it's priced very competitively compared to some of the other high-end trainers. Hopefully it'll last a long time because it does exactly what I want it to do.
I don't like having to calibrate it every couple of weeks per Wahoo's recommendation, but that's a pretty small inconvenience. I've gotten in the habit of calibrating it after riding ahead of when it needs to be calibrated because then it's already warmed up. Calibrating it when it's cold requires 10 minutes of riding beforehand to warm up the Kickr.
After using it for a couple of years, it has gotten a bit noisier than when it was new. I'm convinced that the bearings probably need servicing, which is not necessarily unexpected given the amount of miles I've put on it.
It was something wrong with the one I've got first, but the guys at Wahho quicly send me a new one. Best trainer? from hakli76 September 8, 2020Â
I've had my Kickr for about 2 1/2 years and very happy with it. Pros: Cons: Very happy with my Kickr! from SpiceBoy September 8, 2020Â
- Folds away easily (unfortunately not got space for full-time man cave!)
- Sturdy - really solid construction - doesn't look breakable
- Easy set-up and software
- Accurate (have tested against external power meter)
- Not the quietest but hasn't been an issue
- Can be disrupted by very bright direct sunlight (optical sensor?!)
7 months in on this Wahoo KICKR (first and only Smart Trainer I've owned) - and its been fantastic. Haven't had any issues thus far and after about 3,000 miles of riding. Paired it with the Climb - a bit expensive for the package together but I have been very pleased. Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 from Marty L September 8, 2020Â
I work hard with with my Kickr Kickr 4 from Hawk September 8, 2020Â
It's really solidly built, provides a great ride feel, and its feet are easy to adjust. When I first set it up, I couldn't get the spindown to work, but the trainer seems to work fine anyway, so I'm not too worried about it. It's not cheap, but you get what you pay for - really just the best trainer out there. Pricey, but worth it from aschlaep September 8, 2020Â
No problems in 2 years Kickr 2018 still going strong from Bob September 8, 2020Â
The 2018 Kickr is a fantastic trainer. Yes, there was a design issue that resulted in noise in early models, but Wahoo continues to provide great support to owners. My unit went “noisy” one year out of warranty, but Wahoo replaced it immediately without question. I would buy from Wahoo again!! Awesome Trainer! from dawlms September 8, 2020Â
I'd give it 5 stars but unfortunately i'm on my 3rd KickR, the first two basically broke down after about 9 months of use, the version i'm using now is mid 2020 as they kindly sent me my 3rd KickR out of warranty. This thus far has been perfect, whatever they have done in the last run of the Gen4 has worked as its flawless. Lets see what happens in a few months time! Wahoo KickR Gen 4 3rd Time Lucky from ChefBryn September 8, 2020Â
Wahoo KICKR the all-rounder from Jimmy September 8, 2020Â
Easy setup Accurate power Realistic inertia Helpful support Quiet
This has been my first and only trainer. I bought it in October 2018. I did have an issue with it close to a year after purchase. It started making an awful noise. I contacted Wahoo, sent them a video, and within a week I had a refurbished trainer. I didn't have to pay to ship mine back, nor get the new one. Customer support was fast and helpful. I've had no issue whatsoever with the new one. I Zwift 2-3 times a week all year long, so it gets put through its paces. It's never failed me with an issue during a ride. I've just added the InsideRide e-Flex rocker stand, and that has made the set up just that much better. I do not regret either purchase. Love it from Nancy September 8, 2020Â
What I like best is I can quickly convert to my road bike outside Trainer Review from jy1210 September 8, 2020Â
I like the trainer and gives a realistic feel of resistance . I have it on a rocker board which helps. Good trainer from Junief September 8, 2020Â
Quiet, great size, affordable Great Trainer from VicLechuga September 8, 2020Â
In hindsight I would have bought a direct mount rather than need a training tire. No tire replacement, slippage or pumping the tire or rubber particles to vacuum up. Wahoo KICKR from deanrobertson September 8, 2020Â
Love my Kickr. Versatile, Reliable and Accurate. Had now for 6 months and pedaled a lot of kilometres without issues. Love my Kickr from Sainsbury September 8, 2020Â
I started my indoor training with a "dumb" trainer and quickly upgraded to a kick snap. This was great, but the sliding, delay in response/resistance, and constant calibration was less than ideal. I upgraded to the kickr in 2018 and havent looked back. There is a realistic feel and stability with the kickr that the snap was unable to achieve. Consistency across structured workouts was the most noticeable upgrade. Portability has been great due to the handle and folding design, which has allowed me to meet up with friends for day long group drives and challenges. Connectivity has never been an issue with my macbook pro. Wahoo support is second to none. A strange sound (but no experience impact) was met with an entirely new device shipped free of charge to me the next day. My Experience with Wahoo from Anthony.Gregorio September 8, 2020Â
PRO: CONS: OVERALL: Great trainer – Some issues – Great support from GeertCab September 8, 2020Â
- Great feel.
- Nice inertia.
- Compatible with Kickr Climb
- Easy installation.
- Great overall feel.
- Good accuracy.
- Easy calibration.
- Great support. Really helpful with problems and no hassle to replace the unit when needed.
- Very reactive in ERG mode.
- Quiet.
- Issues with misalignment of the flywheel. (Seemed as I was not the only one)
- Unit bounces around when sprinting.
- Higher price segment
Great trainer, easy to use and great support by Wahoo. It cost quite something, but you get a very good trainer. Can have some issues, but Wahoo helps to solve problems very fast. Best service I have ever seen.
This is my first trainer, so I don't have much to compare it to, but this thing is very well engineered. It is much quieter than the other trainers I looked at. I guess the competition has caught up some in that department though. It is very easy to setup and adjust if you change bikes. It's sturdy and folds up easily to take up less space when stored. Wahoo's Customer Service is great. The only issue I had was connection to my ANT dongle on my PC was cutting out occasionally at first, which has been fixed by running a 6 foot USB extension cable to get the dongle closer to the trainer. I highly recommend this trainer. Solid Trainer from C-dub September 8, 2020Â
Excellent product purchased in September 2019. At the time of this review, I have put 5682 miles and accumulated time of 15 days+ on this trainer using Zwift. No problems and only occasional re-calibrations needed. The best part is that everything you need is shipped with the product except for cassettes for specific bikes. I originally had an old 8-speed Trek with skewer drop out. No problem, just bought a 8 speed cassette and everything else was in the Kickr box to fit my bike. Just recently, upgraded my bike to 11-speed with thru axle drop out. Again, no problem and had everything needed to fit the new bike. I did buy a new 11-speed cassette instead of using the default one provided by Wahoo just to guarantee same ratios I used when out on the road. Wahoo Kickr Smart Trainer Gen 4 (2018) from hugh_sprague September 8, 2020Â
Good quality, quiet and accurate, but too expensive. Wahoo KICKR Gen 4 (2018) from quick-flash September 6, 2020Â
All was good for first six months. Then slowly It started vibrate while riding. First not on every ride, gradually, over time, the vibration was felt more and more often. I returned the device and am currently waiting for a replacement device. I’m not ready to give up with Kickr yet. wahoo support has been good. Kickr vibrate from Jale September 5, 2020Â
This was my first smart trainer purchase, and it had been everything I had hoped for! Everything I hoped for from ToFuNY September 4, 2020Â
My first indoor trainer and love it. Very quiet, no issues. My partner got a Tacx neo 2T and wants to change to the Kickr V5 as he likes the feel of mine better. No real negatives except that I wish I didn’t have to calibrate every couple of weeks but it’s very easy to do so that’s just me being lazy! Wahoo Kickr 18 from Sels September 4, 2020Â
The beginning of quiet training begins here. Its large flywheel makes it feel good spinning over and deafeningly quiet. If you want a realistic feeling trainer for a hard workout and silence for night riding grab this one. Its a direct drive trainer so you wont get wheel slipping. The power accuracy is good too. Quiet & Strong from email September 4, 2020Â
Works fast Great trainer from Vasu sharma September 4, 2020Â
I come from training with a normal rear tire roller, then I bought a Tacx Vortex and now a Wahoo Kickr V4, the change has been radical for the better, greater reliability in terms of watts and very comfortable to spend some time on the bike. Excellent buy from PALOMINO September 4, 2020Â
I got my Kickr 2018 just when they was released in the autumn 2018. This version of the Kickr was a brand new design and Wahoo had made some changes that made the Kickr virtually silent and that was what also caused the new kickr to fail. I have had 5 Kickr:s replace my problem was alway vibrations in the Kickr, but finaly when I got my last kickr wich was recieved in november 2019 wahoo promised it´s problems was resolved and I have not had a single problem since then. I love it and won´t change until I perhaps get a smartbike instead in the future 🙂 I would have given it five stars if it hadn´t been for the problems I had with it the first year. But the Wahoo support has been great and I have never been left without a trainer. The always deliverd and picked up the old one at the same time. /Martin Kickr 2018 from martinbj September 4, 2020Â
I had one of the first deliveries of the Kickr18 and absolutely fell in love with the direct drive inertia and silence of the trainer. The only noise you hear while riding is the fan and a bit of drivetrain noise...I know I need to lubed that chain. I was really disappointed I wasted money on a wheel on trainer. Trying to save some money and have resistance on Zwift, that was a mistake for sure. The feel of the trainer compared to rollers and the wheel on trainer...well there isn't a comparison, almost like driving a farm use truck with no suspension to a finely tuned trophy truck. The free ride resistance changes are really smooth and consistent. While using ERG mode the power changes smoothly over about 3 seconds, my wheel on took 9 seconds and was like hitting a brick wall. Over the first couple months I had issues that Wahoo handled very quickly. I ended up getting four replacement units with the last having 8,000 miles on it without a hiccup. These issues stemmed from the design change Gen3 to Gen4. I cannot express enough how great Wahoo customer support is, this alone is worth going with Wahoo over any other brand. I have dealt with other trainer manufacturers and can say that Wahoo is light years ahead of anyone in the game. Great Trainer from bwhite234 September 3, 2020Â
This product runs by a belt. It can’t handle big watts and high wattage changes. I snapped 8 belts with hardly any hours on them. Only reason I’m giving this 2 stars is that Wahoo warranties out 3 trainers and finally after the 4th one, they refunded my money. Then I went and bought a Tacx Neo 2T. Easy set up. Decent beginner trainer. Not a Direct a drive like the Neo or Sarris . Very loud Not. True Direct Drive from DEADPOOL September 3, 2020Â
I’ve put tens of thousands of miles on various KICKRs - just love the inertial feel they provide. The heavier flywheel on the 2018 feels even better! I had to send two early 2018 KICKRs back when they developed the flywheel key rattle. But I think they’ve fixed that issue - my current KICKR is still going strong. Love the road feel of my KICKR from eschlange August 27, 2020Â