Home About Our Trainer Qualities Chart

About Our Trainer Qualities Chart

One of the most useful features of our Smart Trainer Index is the Trainer Qualities chart which helps you see a trainer’s strengths and weaknesses at a glance.

Data from this chart comes from reviews posted by Zwifters all over the world. When a review is submitted, the rider is asked to place a checkmark in all boxes that apply to their trainer:

  • Easy setup
  • Accurate power
  • Realistic inertia
  • Well-built
  • Helpful support
  • Portable/storable
  • Quiet
  • Budget-friendly

Our trainer qualities chart then shows the percentage of reviewers who checked a particular quality for the trainer you are viewing.

For example, if there are 50 reviews submitted for trainer X, and 40 of those reviews had the “Easy setup” quality checked, then the Trainer Qualities chart for Trainer X would show 80% under “Easy setup” since 80% of reviewers selected that option.

This chart provides another useful metric when comparing different trainers as you consider your purchase decision. If you want the peace of mind that comes with reliable product support, and one trainer is rated 25% of “Helpful Support” while another is rated 80%, you may want to go with the higher-rated trainer!

The trainer qualities chart only shows up for trainers with 5+ reviews.

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