Last week’s record of 14,812 Zwifters online at once was fun to see, but we were pretty sure this week would go even higher thanks to Tour de Zwift. And we were right!
Today we hit a new high, just confirmed by Zwift HQ: 16,231 concurrent users on Zwift!
This represents a 9.6% increase over last week’s record and a 24.2% increase over last year’s high of 13,064.
Typically the weekly high traffic points are on Tuesdays around 11am PST, and that’s exactly when we saw today’s traffic spike. Of course, this is also the busiest time of Zwift’s year, with much of the northern hemisphere dealing with cold temperatures, poor weather, and shortened daylight hours.
Care to Make a Bet?
Zwiftcast hosts Simon, Nathan, and Shane have been wagering on what the winter season’s high point will be, and they’ve invited some guests to place their bets as well. What do you think? Have we just seen this season’s “peak Zwift”? Or will it go higher? Here are the current guesses:
- DC Rainmaker: 21,000
- Nathan Guerra: 20,000
- Eric Schlange: 18,289
- Simon Schofield: 18,000
- Shane Miller: 16,666