If you’re anything like me, you may find yourself planning the next day’s workout as you lay in bed late at night. Or perhaps you’re an after-work rider who likes to make plans during your lunch break?
While we can easily browse and sign up for events via the Companion app, there’s never been a way to queue up a particular route or workout without actually being in the game. Until now!
Originally teased in the Winter 2023/24 “This Season on Zwift” press release, the “My List” feature went live yesterday with Zwift’s release of Companion app version 3.57.
Here’s a quick video walkthrough:
How It Works
Using the Companion app, you can browse all of the workouts in Zwift’s on-demand library, as well as all the free-ridable routes, and easily tap the orange (+) button to add them to your list. Up to 25 items can be added to your list, you can drag list items up and down to sort as desired, and swiping left gives you the option to delete.
The “My List” option is the center button in iOS in offline mode, or go to “More” to access it when connected to a live game session. Here are some screenshots I took as I added routes I need to complete, plus one workout for giggles:

Items on your list show up first in the “For You” carousel on your Zwift homescreen. That carousel seamlessly and instantaneously updates as you edit your list via the Companion app, making it very easy to access the routes and workouts you’re interested in.

If you’re paying close attention, you may have already figured it out: this is a great new way to “world hack” and ride any route you’d like, regardless of Zwift’s guest map schedule.
Limitations and Future Improvements
There are a few limitations in this initial version of My List:
- You can add up to 25 items to your list
- You cannot add workouts from Zwift Training Plans, 3rd-party integrations like TrainingPeaks, or custom workouts. Only workouts from Zwift’s on-demand library can be added to My List at this time.
- Items are removed from your list when you click the item card on your homescreen, then enter the game to complete it. Removal is not contingent on you actually completing the workout or route – it is removed as soon as you enter the game to start that activity.
- You can add a workout to your list, but you can’t select which route you’ll be doing that workout in until you select it in game. (This was surely a conscious decision by Zwift UI designers to simplify the My List feature.)
- With routes that don’t have any sprint or KOM segments (like Mountain Mash and Ocean Lava Cliffside Loop), tapping the route from your list in Companion brings up an empty screen that simply says “There are no known segments on this route”. This is a known bug.
I’d love to see Training Plans, 3rd party workouts, and custom workouts make it into My List. And if I’m being nit-picky, I suppose it makes sense to only auto-remove the item from My List once I’ve completed it, and not as soon as I start it.
Those niggles aside, I’d say this is a nicely-polished and useful new feature from Zwift. Instead of hopping on my bike then poking around to choose a route or workout, I can get all that planning done “offline,” making my Zwift session even more efficient. Ride on!
Questions or Comments
What do you think of the new “My List” feature? Share below!