Registration is now open for Zwift Academy Run 2021 (sign up here, or in game). Here’s a complete look at this year’s program including changes from the previous year, workout details, graduation requirements, schedule details, and more!
Intro to Zwift Academy Run
Now in its second year, Zwift Academy Run is an annual event that serves two purposes. First, it’s a global training program for runners of all levels. Secondly, it’s a worldwide talent ID competition to determine the six members of this year’s Zwift Academy Run Team (more on that below).
New for 2021
Each year ZA Run evolves to improve on its dual goals of building an inclusive training community and spotting talented athletes. Here’s what’s new for ZA Run in 2021:
Orientation Workouts

Designed especially for new Zwifters and/or first-time Academy participants, these short, nonrequired events explain the basics of structured training and introduce you to the overall ZA Run program. They will be available on the event calendar as group workouts starting September 20th, but also available (along with all Zwift Academy Run workouts) in the 2021 Zwift Academy Run folder in your on-demand workouts menu.
Baseline + Finish Line “Progress Runs”

Understanding your progress over time is a key aspect of training effectively. It also inspires us to greater fitness!
The ZA Run program begins and ends with special 5k benchmarking events so you can set your baseline time at the start, then see progress after completing the Academy.
Baseline runs will be scheduled in the first 4 weeks of the program (Oct 4-Nov 1) and Finish Line Runs will be scheduled in the last 4 weeks (Nov 1-29) of the program.
Progress Tracking in Companion App
New features in Zwift’s Companion app will let you track your overall Academy progress, as well as stats on your PRs for the short, medium, and long-duration efforts for the Baseline and Finish Line rides.
Workout Updates

The year’s program includes 8 fresh workouts. New for 2021, participants have a choice between a short or long version of each workout.
Additionally, these workouts include two new features never before seen in Zwift Run:
- Run/walk recovery sections where participants can choose their pace
- An incline indicator in the HUD
Graduation Requirements
To complete Zwift Academy Run 2021, participants must complete a total of 10 runs:
- 1 Baseline Run event
- All 8 Zwift Academy Run workouts (group workouts or individual, your choice)
- 1 Finish Line Run event
Runners aspiring to the Zwift Academy Run Team have additional requirements – see below for details.
Workout Details
#1: Alternating Hill Repeats
This session begins with a progressive warm-up before diving into sets of alternating 1-minute steep hills, followed by a 2-minute hill at a slightly lower incline.
Long (45 minutes) Short (25 minutes)
#2: The Oregon
Start with a fast 3-minute interval to spike your heart rate before doing a series of hill repeats to work on cardio strength. Then, it’s 2-minute cutdown intervals to put the icing on the cake.
Long (50 minutes) Short (35 minutes)
#3: Tempo Sandwich
This workout models a typical 5k race. The only difference is that we will keep the tempo portion in the middle slower than race pace in order to build up aerobic fitness.
Long (55 minutes) Short (35 minutes)
#4: Cutdown Ladder
We’ll begin at an aerobic tempo effort before moving into faster intervals. Each rep will get faster than the previous one. The goal is to see if you can finish the last rep at 1-mile race pace.
Long (60 minutes) Short (35 minutes)
#5: Intensive Intervals
Master your 5k goal race pace with multiple sets of short, fast intervals! Each set consists of a 3-minute interval, followed by a 2-minute interval and finally a 1-minute interval. The pace picks up with each successive interval and is followed by a 2-minute recovery phase before starting up again.
Long (50 minutes) Short (35 minutes)
#6: 5k Specific Over/Unders
The purpose behind this workout is to give you both the specific endurance and exact speed work you need to make your 5k race pace stick. This is a high-intensity workout where all of your fast running will be above your lactate threshold speed. Be sure to come into this one well-rested and ready to give it your all.
Long (55 minutes) Short (25 minutes)
#7: Threshold Intervals with VO2 Spike
This workout helps improve your Lactate Threshold speed faster than ever by spiking it with a VO2 surge in the middle. The heart of this workout is the 5-minute intervals with the middle 1-minute of each interval run at a faster pace (just over 5k goal pace). You will get a 2-minute recovery period following each fast rep.
Long (60 minutes) Short (30 minutes)
#8: Intensive Intervals
We’ll be running 3-minute intervals with a 2-minute recovery between reps. We will vary paces throughout the workout in order to replicate how to run a championship level 5k.
Long (50 minutes) Short (25 minutes)
Key Dates/Schedule
- ZA Run in-game registration opens September 20
- ZA Run orientation group workouts available September 20-Oct 3
- ZA Run begins October 4
- Makeup events available during the final week of the program (all events of the program will be available this week)
- ZA Run ends November 29
- ZA Run Team applications accepted from 100-150 selected participants Dec 10, 2021-Jan 17, 2022
- ZA Run Team member announcement (approximate date)

Runners will unlock new kit as they progress through the program:
- 2 events: unlock ZA running cap
- 5 events: unlock ZA running socks
- 7 events: unlock ZA running shoes
- 10 events: unlock ZA running shirt
Zwift Academy Run Team Selection
Many ZA Run participants will be aiming for a spot on this year’s ZA Run Team whose goal is to qualify for and compete in a major marathon (NYC, Chicago, or Berlin) in the fall of 2022. Here’s a look at the first year’s team:
If you’re trying to get onto the Zwift Academy Run Team you must complete your Baseline and Finish Line Runs using both a cadence tracker and a heart rate monitor. Both of these are required in order to be considered for the Zwift Academy Run Team.
What else will Zwift use in order to determine who makes the 6-member Zwift Academy Run team? See the full terms and conditions, which include a detailed “Selection Process/Team Participation” section.
What is the selection criteria? The terms and conditions state:
Performance potential, previous race results, ability and availability to meet the Team training schedule, availability and willingness to participate in any scheduled Team training events and camps, ability and willingness to race at a 2022 Major Marathon, and the running related presence and activity on social media as well as within the running community.
This year’s ZA Run coaches were first introduced last year. Both are experienced coaches who have trained runners from beginner level all the way up to Olympic athletes.
Terrence Mahon
Back for his second year, Terrence brings total integration of sports science, strength, conditioning, and sports therapy. He guides athletes to the Olympics and results on the global stage, maximizing training sessions to help runners achieve their potential.
Jen Rhines
With 20 years of experience as a pro athlete, 3x Olympian Jen Rhines coaches runners of all ages and ability levels from amateurs to Olympic hopefuls. Last year, she mentored the Run team to nail their nutrition and improve their mindset during training.
Ready to Get Started?
Sign up in-game, or do it online at
Questions or Comments?
Post below! We’ll do our best to answer any questions, and may reach out to Zwift HQ if you have queries we can’t answer.