One change not mentioned in the latest update notes is an improvement of position for riders on TT bikes. Have you noticed it yet out on course?
The new position is much more in keeping with modern TT postures, with the back flat and head tucked down. Riding behind TT riders now I get the feeling that they’re suffering quite a bit, with their heads being so low. Sure, it’s virtual… but Zwift is immersive!
We did some speed tests on the TT bike to see if the more aero posture resulted in faster times. Sorry TT riders–it does not. But look on the bright side: your avatar sure looks like they know what they’re doing. (Personally, my TT posture in game is a lot prettier than it is outdoors.)
It’s worth noting that this is one of hundreds of minor changes which Zwift rolls out regularly with little or no fanfare. That just comes with the territory when you are developing a game like Zwift: there is always a list of many, many small improvements to be made. Prioritizing that list is no easy task, but I think Zwift is heading in a very good direction. Keep up the good work, HQ.