I woke up at 2am on March 26th with a Zwifty idea: what if I could easily filter the list of upcoming events based on how many people are signed up?
(Let’s not talk about me having too much Zwift on the brain. It’s been crazy in Zwiftlandia for the last few weeks!)
Big events are something cyclists rarely get to enjoy outdoors, but they happen regularly on Zwift. The problem is: there’s no easy way to find them! Sometimes Zwift announces the big events – other times (especially in the last few crazy weeks) no announcement is made, yet people still sign up in droves because they found it through some other channel.
When I got into the office that morning I sent a quick message to Jesper over at ZwiftHacks. He liked my idea.
The next day, it was live. That’s agility, folks. Three cheers for Jesper!
How It Works
Visit the ZwiftHacks events page and you’ll immediately see the colored tags next to any event with 100+ signups:

To filter events by size, click “More filters and search” then select an option next to “Size”. Jesper set it up so you can filter for events with 100+, 200+, 300+, or 500+ signups.
What do you think?
Is this a useful tool for you? And how great is Jesper’s ZwiftHacks events tool? Share your thoughts below!