Rumors of a new Zwift world have been swirling for weeks, and we’re seeing our first glimpses of the new map via some social leaks.
First, we saw this video at the end of Zwift live stream:
Then this week, we’ve seen two different prominent community racers sharing shots of their avatars on the course. Here’s Casey Schumm (click to enlarge):

And here’s one from Mathieu Drujon:

Lastly, Jonathon over at Zwift Hype just changed his group’s cover pic:

Is that Watopia’s yeti, and the jungle sloth? I think it is!
What else do we know?
- The new course is coming very soon. Historically, Zwift hasn’t leaked this stuff until a course is just a few days away.
- Zwift is definitely going for the “downtown crit” feel for thise course. Set on city streets, with sharp turns. Very cool.
- The course is small (2-3km), and event-only, so we won’t be able to free-ride it whenever we’d like. (Being a small course, it would have to be event-only, until Zwift implements features which limit the number of riders per event.)
- The course is relatively flat, but does include at least a bit of climbing (see Casey’s pic above). That would make sense, as a little kicker each lap would break up the course.
New routes are always exciting on Zwift–entirely new maps even more so! Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.