he World Championship rainbow stripes are the most recognizable symbol in cycling: an emblem that speaks of world-class performance. Worn by the world champions of cycling since 1927, the jersey must be worn when competing in the same discipline, category and specialty for which the title was won.
The rainbow jersey helps make a world champion easier to spot for spectators, but also makes the title-holder more visible to other competitors.
TeamODZ and Tam Burns, organizers of the upcoming Zwift Team Worlds 2016 race, have collaborated with Castelli and Zwift HQ to develop a real-life “Virtual World Championship” kit which you can purchase at cost.
The team developed a unique set of stripes which, in a stroke of creative genius, mimics the SMPTE color bars often seen on monitors and televisions. Zwift HQ joined in to make sure the use of Zwift’s logo conforms with corporate policies.
Moving forward, these bars will become the standard “Virtual World Championship stripes.” Eventually we are hoping to see this kit in-game, and also a special version of the kit for virtual world championship winners. Zwift HQ, how about it?
Learn more about Zwift Team Worlds >
Order your Virtual World Championships kit >
Note: to place your order you must first create an account. Click “Sign Up” on the first screen to do so. Expected ship date for kits is first or second week of January.
UPDATE: If you are looking for a different style, please fill out this pre-order form ASAP. (Ordering must be done soon if alternate styles are going to be included, as the overall order will close on November 20th.