January and February are the most common months for Zwifters to start up a new training plan, and we want to help you pick the best Zwift Training Plan for you. So we’re surveying Zwifters to learn about their experience with Zwift’s cycling training plans!
Your responses will be used in a report posted on Zwift Insider which includes ratings and comments for all Zwift training plans, from Zwifters who have actually worked through the plans.
If you’ve ever started a Zwift training plan for cycling (even if you didn’t finish it!), please click the link below to take our quick survey. It should only take 1-2 minutes to complete, if like many Zwifters you’ve only tried one or two training plans.
Take the Training Plan Survey >
Thanks for your help with this project! If you’re curious about the survey results, click here to see a live summary.