Rhino Racing has announced the seasonal return of the popular Rhino Migration beginning on Saturday, October 7.
Since its creation, the format has evolved. But the current configuration is by far the favorite among the regulars. Here’s what Zwifters are saying about it:
- Stephen (A Cat rider): “I like the structure and the comradery. A time to get on the bike means I don’t skip those longer rides, and the chat on Discord makes it go a lot quicker.”
- Joe (B Cat rider): “I really value it as part of my weekly winter training structure. A guaranteed couple of months of regular Z2 training with pleasant company and active Discord – by all cats regardless of where they are spread out on the course.”
- Iris (C Cat rider): “The Party Bus encouraged me to complete the long ride, along with lovely chat with fellow Rhinos and others on Discord.”
- Rob (D Cat rider): “It’s the chance to do some of the longer Zwift routes at a good pace (within a group – so you get the benefits of draft) whilst enjoying a good amount of banter and chat.”
The Format
Rhino Migration rides are aimed at an average pace of 2.2-2.5 W/kg. The pace is held nicely by the ride’s yellow and red beacons, which the team calls the “Party Bus” since it is led by a Driver controlling the pace and a Conductor helping at the back when needed.
What the Rhino Migration does differently from other group rides is to encourage a breakaway group to form. This group gets to set a faster pace, see what gap they can make to the Party Bus, and how much extra distance they can cover by the end of the 120-minute event.
Late join is enabled for up to 30 minutes.

Migration Routes
Each week a new route will be chosen. Some will be harder than others, and routes will feature a variety of elevations, gradients, and surfaces.
Week one will be Watopia’s Eastern Eight, a popular route but not often used in group rides due to its longer length.
Make the time pass quicker…
The team at Rhino Racing encourages everyone to join the Rhino Racing Discord server in the Migration voice channel during the ride. Participants offer encouragement, conversation, and banter which helps the time fly by!
Event Signup
Sign up for this Saturday’s event at zwift.com/events/view/3839018. You may also browse all upcoming Rhino Racing events at zwift.com/events/tag/rhino.