If you have never raced in Zwift, or you are a slower rider looking for races focused slower categories, check out these upcoming races.
KISS Starter
- From the creators of the hugely popular KISS races, here’s a series of races designed to introduce riders to Zwift racing.
- Categories: C/D categories only, or new racers. (Categories based on your FTP watts instead of watts/kilogram since the races are done on flat courses.)
NE: > 308W Avg
C: 269 to 308W Avg
D below 269W Avg - Typical race length: 10-15 miles
- Schedule: intermittent, check Zwift events or the see KISS events page for more information
- Organizers: Glen Knight, Wayne Elvin, Michael Ede
- Learn more at the KISS Facebook page
EVR (Escape Velocity Race)
- Created to provide an entry-level race for all categories of riders. Follows KISS race rules. Scheduled on Monday-Wednesday-Friday since these are days with fewer Zwift races at this time.
- Categories: use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg to find your group:
A: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
W: Females who wish to have a separate categorization. - Typical race length: 18-25 miles
- Schedule: 11:30 PDT on Monday, Wednesday, Friday each week
- Organizers: BJ Afonso, Stuart Lynne
- Learn more at the EVR Facebook page
TFC (The Friday Criterium)
- Created last year as a series focused solely on C and D riders,  this year TFC will include A and B riders while still maintaining a focus on encouraging C’s and D’s to race. Read a writeup from last year’s first TFC race >
- Categories: use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg to find your group:
A: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
W: Females who wish to have a separate categorization. - Typical race length: ~20Â miles
- Schedule:Â 13-race series for the fall begins September 9th at 11 AMÂ PDT
- Organizer:Â Alan Wyers
- Learn more at The Friday Criterium Facebook page