Races for rookies: KISS Starter, Escape Velocity, The Friday Criterium

If you have never raced in Zwift, or you are a slower rider looking for races focused slower categories, check out these upcoming races.


KISS Starter

  • From the creators of the hugely popular KISS races, here’s a series of races designed to introduce riders to Zwift racing.
  • Categories: C/D categories only, or new racers. (Categories based on your FTP watts instead of watts/kilogram since the races are done on flat courses.)
    NE: > 308W Avg
    C: 269 to 308W Avg
    D below 269W Avg
  • Typical race length: 10-15 miles
  • Schedule: intermittent, check Zwift events or the see KISS events page for more information
  • Organizers: Glen Knight, Wayne Elvin, Michael Ede
  • Learn more at the KISS Facebook page


EVR (Escape Velocity Race)

  • Created to provide an entry-level race for all categories of riders. Follows KISS race rules. Scheduled on Monday-Wednesday-Friday since these are days with fewer Zwift races at this time.
  • Categories: use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg to find your group:
    A: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
    B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
    C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
    D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
    W: Females who wish to have a separate categorization.
  • Typical race length: 18-25 miles
  • Schedule: 11:30 PDT on Monday, Wednesday, Friday each week
  • Organizers: BJ Afonso, Stuart Lynne
  • Learn more at the EVR Facebook page


TFC (The Friday Criterium)

  • Created last year as a series focused solely on C and D riders,  this year TFC will include A and B riders while still maintaining a focus on encouraging C’s and D’s to race. Read a writeup from last year’s first TFC race >
  • Categories: use your FTP and then divide by your weight in kg to find your group:
    A: 4.0 W/kg FTP or higher
    B: 3.2 W/kg to 3.99 W/kg FTP
    C: 2.5 W/kg to 3.19 W/kg FTP
    D: Under 2.49 W/kg FTP
    W: Females who wish to have a separate categorization.
  • Typical race length: ~20 miles
  • Schedule: 13-race series for the fall begins September 9th at 11 AM PDT
  • Organizer: Alan Wyers
  • Learn more at The Friday Criterium Facebook page
Eric Schlange
Eric Schlangehttp://www.zwiftinsider.com
Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. Follow on Strava
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